COVID-19: How we’ll continue to best support you

Helen Deeson

We are making provisions to ensure that people who use our services can continue to receive the best care and support possible during this worrying time.

The health of the people who use our services, our staff and volunteers remains our top priority. To help reduce the spread of the virus, we may need to reduce some of what we offer or carry out appointments remotely where we can. This may vary from service to service – your local team will let you know what that means for you.

We will do our very best to keep our essential services running. Please do not attend services in person if you feel unwell. If you are self-isolating, keep in contact with your service and let us know how we can best support you during this period. We are happy to arrange phone appointments for example.

We’ve pulled together some advice for those who attend our services and for those who use substances. Please take the time to read it, and if you have any questions do get in touch.

We’ll be updating our advice and information as the situation evolves, follow this on our website and social media.

If you need support and are not registered with a service, find your local Humankind service by searching on our homepage: 

What do I do if I think I have COVID-19?

If you develop a new continuous cough or a high temperature, then you need to self-isolate for 7 days and not attend any service.

If you are well but are living with others who have developed symptoms, then you should stay at home from 14 days from the day the first person got symptoms. If you continue to feel unwell or get worse then contact NHS 111 (

Our services are on hand to support you during this period; make sure your service has up-to-date contact details.

Please visit the NHS website for more information.

How can I reduce the risk of getting COVID-19?

Wash hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water (or alcohol gel when unavailable). Avoid touching your face and sneeze/cough into your elbow or cover your mouth/nose with a tissue which must be put in the bin straight away. Regularly clean things like your phone that are frequently touched.

If you use drugs you could be more vulnerable, take extra steps to not share drugs or equipment and to keep equipment clean.

I’m worried about receiving my prescriptions.

Check with your service to see if there will be any changes to how you will receive your prescribed medication and check they have up to date contact details for you.

If you have to self-isolate, make sure you let your service know and keep in touch during this time.

If you are unable to pick up your prescription from the pharmacy, you can nominate someone to do this for you. Your service will help organise this for you.

We are working with pharmacies to do everything we can to make sure your prescriptions are not disrupted.

How do I look after my mental wellbeing?

During this worrying time, it is normal to feel concerned or anxious. Make sure you look after your mental wellbeing and health, keep in touch with your family and friends and, if you need to, limit how much you watch the news.

Find out more how you can look after your mental health on the Mind website – .

If you need more urgent help, there are lots of free helplines that can provide support and guidance-

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