Reconnected to Health awarded Best Use of Workplace Technology at Nursing Times Awards

Jasmine Rocks

We are delighted to share that Humankind’s Reconnected to Health Team have recently won the Best Use of Workplace Technology award at the Nursing Times Awards.

The Nursing Times Workforce Awards is an event that recognises and rewards the outstanding work that is being done by staff and employers to support the nursing and midwifery workforce.

Co-located with the Nursing Times Workforce Summit, the event inspires and rewards organisations for excellence in supporting the future of the health and care workforce.

Humankind and our partners Spectrum were shortlisted with His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) and Lifeworks for the Best Use of Workplace Technology category.

Their partnership was recognised for working to roll out Breaking Free Online, a confidential treatment and recovery programme developed to support people through their recovery from drugs or alcohol.

Robyn Taylor, a service manager at HMP Durham, attended the Nursing Times Awards on 21 November and received the award on behalf of the team.

Jas Holburn, Area Manager for North East Prisons at Humankind, said:

“We are very proud to be part of this partnership, and this award reflects the power of collaboration between HMPPS, Spectrum, Breaking Free Online and Humankind to offer innovative digital solutions to people in our care in North East prisons.”


Humankind retains Investing in Volunteers Award

Jack Keery

We are delighted to reveal that Humankind has been successful in retaining our Investing in Volunteers award for a third time.

Humankind first gained the award in 2015 and underwent our second renewal in August 2021, demonstrating our commitment to volunteering as a national charity.

“Supporting volunteers runs throughout all Humankind’s teams, services, and projects, and is embedded in the organisation’s ethos and values.”

Our assessor sought evidence against six quality areas: vision, planning, inclusion, recruitment and induction, support, and valuing and developing volunteers.

Evidence was gathered through a self-assessment, a portfolio and three days of interviews. Twenty-six volunteers shared their experience of volunteering at Humankind.

“I have better support here than all the jobs I’ve ever had, the staff here that go that extra mile – fantastic.” Humankind volunteer 

As an organisation, we take great pride in our Volunteer Programme and our offer to each individual volunteer.

“We are definitely made to feel part of the team, all the staff and all the volunteers are great, it feels like I’m part of a really big, happy family.” – Humankind volunteer

As Humankind have invested in support for people’s wellbeing, we have done the same for volunteers. This was recognised during the assessment, which stated:

“There is recognition that the continuous support volunteers enjoy has a huge positive impact on the recruitment of volunteers, their wellbeing, their personal development, retention of volunteers, and their feeling of being valued.”

We want to give a huge thank you to our Volunteer Coordinators, Leads and Supervisors for delivering an award winning Volunteer Programme!

Humankind’s 2020/21 Volunteer Programme at a glance:

• We appointed 97 new volunteers.
• Our volunteers have kindly given 10,604 hours of their own time to support others – that’s 209 hours every week of the year!
• 17 of our volunteer leavers left to enter education, training or employment.
• 7 (41%) of those who entered employment accepted roles within Humankind services.

Read more in our 2020/21 Impact Report.

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