The Greens garden provides a natural space for relaxation

“I feel so peaceful, calm and relaxed and free from all the negative things that were in my life."

The Greens in Sheffield is a Recovery Centre providing recovery focused accommodation for people who are in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction.

During lockdown in 2020, residents came up with a highly ambitious plan to redesign the garden, providing a space for mindfulness and relaxation, and a large seating area for group and keywork sessions in the summer months.

Following months of extremely hard work from residents and staff, the garden is now fully developed and providing a wonderful space to enjoy nature.

Greens resident Richard said “I feel so peaceful, calm and relaxed and free from all the negative things that were in my life. Now I look at the flowers and fish grow and think to myself ‘I’ve supported these to grow,’ then turn around and look where I am and see the support I have thanks to Humankind and The Greens.”

Brian is another Greens resident. He said: “I spend a lot of my time out there especially at the fishpond as I love watching the fish as I find it quite calming and tranquil, it’s very therapeutic! I walk up and down the gravel path with my thoughts and I find it relaxing and feel a lot better in myself.”

Lee, another Greens resident, said: “The garden gave me something to get up for and look forward to, even now when I look at what’s been done I feel I have given something back, and how many others will benefit from it.”

Louise Morley, Project Manager at The Greens said: “Many of our residents have never had a garden before, the ability to grow their own herbs and veg provides such a wonderful feeling of contentment. Growing plants you can eat is a magical process and this really enhances their experience at The Greens.

“We are now working on garden project number two as we have been awarded an additional £2k from HARC. We’ll use this funding to develop a quiet meadow, where residents can sit and enjoy the amazing view.”

For more information on the service, please visit

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