feedback – Humankind

Volunteer Survey 2023 shows enthusiasm from Humankind Volunteers

Jasmine Rocks

Across Humankind, we value all our volunteers. We offer a variety of roles and opportunities, ranging from advocate to researcher, admin support to peer mentor, group facilitator to data entry and fundraiser to complimentary therapist. All of which are diverse, fulfilling and rewarding, and often lead to employment with us or elsewhere.

Throughout June, volunteers across our organisation completed the Annual Volunteer Survey. The survey provides the opportunity for feedback and suggestions for improvement around volunteering experiences and opportunities.

Survey results outlined that 95% of respondents said that volunteering with Humankind has made a positive difference to them and their lives.

“Everyone I have met seems to be an authentic and kind human.”

“I spend up to 7.5 hours a week with clients and I know I AM making a difference.”

Furthermore, 99% of respondents fed back that they would recommend volunteering with us to others.

“Welcomed as part of a team, treated as part of the team, trusted & empowered, the opportunities are endless.”

We are always keen to support our volunteers in achieving their end goal, whether that is to gain skills and experience or to be ready for paid employment.

Respondents rated the enjoyment they get from volunteering at Humankind at an average of 4.6 out of 5. They also rated the feeling of being valued at 4.7 out of 5. These ratings both stand as an increase on the previous year.

Where volunteers have used our Volunteer Skills Record, they rated the resource at 4.2 out of 5. This resource is intended to help track progress and development in a way that can be easily referred to in future, such as when updating a CV or preparing for an interview.

“Seeing service users improve their health, quality of life & relationships is priceless.”

“I have really enjoyed slowly gaining responsibilities as I was not thrown in the deep end but began by shadowing and I am now completing assessments”.

The survey also returned a high standard of feedback about our learning and development offer, with 92% saying Humankind’s training effectively prepares them for their role.

In some areas, however, volunteers suggested that training could be more streamlined. As a result, have committed to reviewing the amount of training material required.

“Very thorough training, lots to remember but it gets easier with time and lots of support from other staff members.”

“The quality and delivery of the training that I have received as a volunteer has been exceptional, the workshops are always interactive, thought-provoking & informative. In addition, there is a wealth of training available if you wish to take the opportunity.”

If you would like to learn more about volunteering at Humankind and explore our current opportunities, please visit our volunteering page.